Flight MH17 – The Spectacle Grief & the Role of the Artist in Society

The Order of Turbulence

I remember clearly, after the Sandy Hook massacre, watching a news interview with a father of one of the children who had been killed. It was literally hours after the event, and this African American man, a professor of economics at a nearby college, this erudite, marvelous communicator vented his grief and his rage to a camera.  It was hard to watch, and impossible not to watch, and even as he communicated his emotions with such breathtaking eloquence, I thought ‘this news team must think they’ve died and gone to heaven – this guy is so powerful.’  But it left me feeling disgusted. I wondered, looking at this man, whether he would have refused an interview 24 or 48 hours after the event when he had a little more control of his emotions. He seemed like a very self-contained man, a private man, driven temporarily mad with grief.

This morning…

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