About Gelosoil….

Gelosoil was created by the fusion of a Gelo mountain with soil from planet Earth(Gaia),
Gelosoil speaks against all greed ,against all gods ,against all lies ,against all violent perverts ,against injustice ,against oppression ,against inequality ,against womens exploitation ,against everything that makes humanity pointing towards the past ,changing course towards dark and mouldy places of the human soul.
Gelosoil sometimes speaks through the voices of others.He reposts posts that he considers worth reading.
Gelosoil is a human ,like all other humans .
Gelosoil’s only difference is ,that Gelosoil managed to control Gelosoil’s own urges and dark thoughts,control and restrict Gelosoil’s own disadvantages and worked hard to achieve inner peace and love for the other.
Gelosoil is available through internet ,to anyone in need ,anyone in need of assistance ,moral or other.
And finally,Gelosoil is the last and only probably chance this world has to save itself.
But you ve got to listen…
Listen to Gelosoil when he speaks…..:):)

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